Wednesday, March 11, 2009


In the near and or distant future, this is where my mind has been going.

little things, big things, abstract ideas:

-Pay off my bank of america credit card and cancel it
-Keep helping Joni with her house and build report with her friends enough to add up as a second summer job
-Grow a relationship with Cory, slowly, and have it turn into something great, deep and long lasting
-loose weight in my arms, stomach, tone my behind
-find a second summer job
-get all my projects at school done and kick ass doing it, but most of all focusing.
-travel somewhere cool this summer, like nashville or vegas or something
-sell some of my artwork
-learn how to smock
-have time to breathe and relax every now and then
-clean and finish painting my room
-move out on my own for good, hopefully this fall, given the second summer job thing...
-get better grades 
-try vegetarianism or veganism
-be happier

1 comment:

  1. you should add "visit jillian all the time and then move to chicago with her" to that list.
