Wednesday, February 25, 2009

laughing out loud

so I'll start out with anger/frusterated/ confused.
Lee started talking to me on fbook chat and basically talked for an hour. Lame, but interesting at the same time. I can e-mail you the convo. but to sum it up we talked about life after school, and then said he was going to visit jillian in chicago (J, did you know that?) after I told him i was going there over sb. he continued to fish for answers and basically tried to see if I would offer for him to go with me. FAIL. really Lee? makes me laugh out loud how he justifies his decisions. 

I didn't see Cory much since monday. I don't know whats going on other than I over anaylze anything concerning this topic. I wonder if there is another girl that he told me he was "only best friends with." hmm. Been there done that. never again is there the looming "best (girl) friend".

Gabe. saw him last night and I helped him weld some moped parts. I really enjoy hanging out with him. But i just wish he wasn't such a user. I wish he wasn't such a physical person. thats really nasty in all reality. He's been incredibly distant since our last talk. He's really busy with lots of things but is probably going to take the job in Louisville. I am really excited for him b.c thats what he wants and he seems really excited about it. I think we will stay friends. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

I know I am a paranoid girl with trust issues. I don't know how to get rid of them. anyways....

on a brighter note, My dad gave me 20 bucks this morning and seems to be feeling better again.
Spring is coming and I am more than ready for it.
I am going to have to start loosing weight b.c i am going to be in Kel's wedding for sure, and Marenta got engaged....wonder what that will go down like cuz I haven't even talked to her in a month or so.

Alright I have to get going. I will be back later sorry for the randoms

Thursday, February 19, 2009

sun is shining

this might actually be turning into a shitty diary. Don't obligate yourselves to read further....

Let me gush.
Cory is so absolutely adorable. We hung out last night as a make up for not showing for P-tail's birthday. I met Cory at his house and he drove. It was a great time. He bought me and patrick a drink, and he gets really flustered sometimes.  :) I see him lots at school and convo is flowing. The more i learn about him the more I like him. The chemistry feels genuine for once. I think I can see what felt so phoney the last time around. I am very happy with things in life. My dad is slowly getting better and spring feels right around the corner. 

We had a meeting monday night. the holland and st. joe stores are closing. Really sad b.c they've been around for 30+ years. quite shocking also. Bank of America is taking their mortgage away. FUck you bank of america for skinning your own ass. I hope you get swallowed, and to prove my feelings I have stopped using your credit card.  I am ecstatic that they are keeping ubu open. By the grace of God it is I have a job. it feels like passover.

anyways Sat. cory is going with me to work on my neon light. Maybe i'll see if he'll let me buy him lunch. <3>
I am off to dance. HOpe you're all wonderful!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

dear diary

I had such a good last 2 days I need to write about it.

So yesterday I didn't have my morning class which i abhor no. 1
I went to the Neon Americana Store and the guy told me he could make my design and would love to teach me how he does it. (Maybe sounds sketchy...but he seemed normal and very kind the plot thickens later..) no. 2
no. 3 in general the weather was SO GOREGEOUS!
I went for a long walk with Cassie after class and then got some jimmy johns no. 4
Los Campesinos! played at the lit. club and were really good live. Could be the next sigur ros with more punk influences. 5

My friend patrick is turning 21 and going bar hopping on friday night. Pat. lives with peter, gabe's Gabe is invited..however, I am in class with Patrick, and Patrick has had classes with cory. They were both invited, and are both going. can you say love triangle? 6
I actually got some work done in class,7
took my computer to the tech guys to get some updates and stayed for like an hour getting hit on. (simple pleasures in life my friends) don't think that should count for a full number...

Worked on some of my light project before work, I came back to see Cory sitting in the room and we proceeded to talk. What a dreamboat. hahaha. we started talking about our projects and I told him that the "neon light guy" offered me to shadow him while he makes my light in his shop on a saturday. I made the joke that it kinda seemed shady and then threw in that my dad might have to convienetly come. Cory laughed and then threw out that He'd "be willing to go and check that out" with a grin. (*EEEEHhh!!!!* that means all systems are a go right?) I replied that I'd have to figure out when...and then!!... Cory asked me if I was going to Patrick's 21st b-day. I told him yes, and he said he was going too. but HE asked ME! Not as shy as we thought. 8!!!!

was talking to a customer at work today and she kept saying she was confused and wished someone could help her and then directly asked me if I could come over and help her get an idea of things! asked me how much I charged. I told her it wouldn't be that much, and I'd try to get some things together. Gave her my info and she said she'd call me. (THey offer services lt work for 50 an hour, but you only see like 8 percent of that. Under the table!) Lets hope its not a let down. 9

and last of all simple little things like Marenta coming to visit me at the end of the night =10

Last of all, the word on my dad's job is potentially safe! They let some shocking people go, which is for the better. But it was based on Performance reviews and my dad made the cut! what a weight to get off our chests! Praise God!  that should count for 2 things=12

what a great last 2 days. HEres to hoping for a wonderful weekend. I'm off to eat nutella!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Every Monday Like Clockwork


Monday's are a bitch. I stepped out of my house and the first step I took I fell on the ice. I notices my computers kinda smashed now too. Most of all my hip hurts. hahahaha. I love saying that.

Anyways enough complaining.
I should be researching modernism but I'd rather write on here.
I am totally bored with life. Seeing the same things everyday, doing the same routine. Having the same shit in the cupboards. What is going on with me? Maybe I am seasonally depressed. I have a hard time getting anything done. I hate working, I hate working on projects. I feel like hibernating. Spring is almost here, now I just need a push.
I was researching art for my project and I got really inspired to paint more. Also to question what will be happening after I graduate. That has been a big question. I don't think I will be content. I'd love to go back to school, but for what? Music, Architecture, Fashion, Culinary, Functional Art? probably not a masters in Interiors. I am bored by them. Any advice?....