Sunday, June 21, 2009

Taking the Road Less Traveled....

So I had a job interview this week. It went well, my performing art skills kicked in and of course i nailed a second interview. But before going, I learned that this company would be selling satellite dishes through stores and I would be working a solid 40 hrs. + bonuses. It didn't seem like something that vague to me. On the ride home I thought it out more. NO WEEKENDS whatsoever. Not ok. 40hrs, yes! Making decent money-sweet! not being able to work at ubu, a furniture store (in which i am going to school for interior design...) = pretty stupid pick. so I learning this I didn't take the second interview. I am taking the road less traveled. I don't want to see myself as the satellite dish manager over at best buy in 5 years. I might be able to have a nice car and clothes, but thats not the goal here. I'd rather be a starving artist living from day to day and living and breathing and adoring what I do because it fulfills me. Being forced to sit down and take a breath, although i am restless, this is what its taught me.

Also, I have been bogged down by a few exboyfriends this year. and the last one shouldn't hold be down, but totally does. It ended up as "yeah we're totally friends, I love your company!" to never calling me back or acknowging me in his life. Which I don't take so well. But new things have been coming up and I seem to keep looking back. the Sentimentalist in me is such a bad thing. I get so stuck and never take new chances. There is someone I am intersted in. I think hes adorable and like the last ex-boyfriend was parelled to the ex before him... I find myself digging another parellel to the previous. This makes me sound crazy. But I'm not. The point is, I can't keep looking back and telling people I'm not the type to walk away from when I am still standing where they left me. I need to move forward. Its been a while since I've been in this mindset of turning my thoughts into a productive action. Weird how things in life make you stand still even though you think you're moving huh?

This probably isn't that enticing to any of you if you still read this....but this blog has become more of just my own epiphanies anyways.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

wings grow restless

"wings grow restless" sounds quite lyrical... which probably means its the beginning of this song.

I have to say in the last year i have gone through various things, horrible breakups, rebounds, complacency in work and school work, a family members battle with a disease, folded in with the bad news of a slippery economy. These sound like bad things, and they are. There are a few good things of which have great value to me.... My artwork has grown enormously in conceptual progress but also craft and I feel my style is coming into its own. It's really neat to watch. And know that when I work on something at school for 12 hrs a pays off! I have been inspired by a few of my classmates to think higher in the sense that I am capable of selling my work, and really calling "artist" my profession and not "designer" don't get me wrong. I go back in forth between "art" and "design" and I am honestly torn. My teacher recommended I "need to pick one." I can't. I think he's wrong. 

anyways thats getting sidetracked, The point is lately complacent seems like a fitting word for me. I love school, and my friends and family. Thats not it. My job on the other hand, I do go back and forth on also. I feel so stuck in this job I hate it. I have been looking for new jobs all the time, but the jobs i do apply for, so do a handful of other people. As an employer you really have your pick of the hand. and that sucks for me.  I want to know that there are places in this world that are succeeding better than the state of michigan. 

thats incredibly selfish. I have a job. I need to be thankful. I need to stop spending. But thats not realistic. what is realistic is not going to rockwells so much and spending $30 in one night. UGh bad choices.

So basically I am trying to not stay complacent in the meantime of having days off...I try making things i haven't made before like shoes, necklaces and tanktops (my own fashion line debuting this june!) hahaha. But i need to work on some projects for some people that need dressers and tables and other things they think i might be qualified for.... ugh the battle between creating to create and evolve vs. the ability to make cheeky things for other people and get a little money from it.

IN other news.. What should I do for my bday? cookout? obviously bars....ideas anyone?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Garage Sale! 9737 52nd ave. Power tools, kids clothes, quality housewares and toys..."

because my dad has been sick on and off, he is off work until august as doctors orders.
my parents now spend lots of time together (like they're retired...) and for fun they have been checking out garage sales.
they really aren't as old as this makes them sound. However in all their "adventures and finds" i am annoyed. Their new hobby has spiraled me into rage.

I hate garage sales.
there. i said it. before you tell me how you can find great deals on vintage finds and new add-ons for your diy projects let me tell you something:

Growing up with a dutch grandmother, who herself grew up during the great depression...and also playing favorites with her children and grand children.....(I not making the cut)
for Christmas I would get "gifts" from rummage and garage sales. While my cousins would get giormous lego sets, and abercrombie clothes. Meanwhile i got to play with a "vintage" play sink from the 1970's. an play ironing board that cost under $10 and books about the jungle doctor.
So maybe this inspires jealousy, in which i do not deny. let me point out another fact.
dear grandma would periodically give us bags of clothes from these great sales. fashions of great they were not, and sadly i would wear them. If you don't believe me look at my elementary school pictures. however, we didn't have much money growing up, handouts were nice even if they were of poor fashion.
To top that my family and I went through another period of garage saleing. looking in papers and following signs, knowing the dandelion parade and tulip time would mean subdivisions would be selling in mass. Cars lined up for miles all to scour a deal. I still see metal brass beds and light pink and teal my little ponies with those octagonal tv/side tables popping into my head. SICK! ( and the people you bump into and the ones that are selling their possessions deserve a ranting post on their own)
So while i am revisiting these events in my life I think to my current position. I like nice things. My mother says i have expensive tastes, which I'd like to think is true. However I work my ass off for the things I have. I stay away from garage sales. I know they are part of my past and I can appreciate them to a degree. I have no problem with goodwill or specialty vintage clothing stores. Thats cool to a point. Garage sales just ring in an inner-angst i cannot see past. They remind me of a social status I want to not be. 
So before you go running around in your tacky almost vintage clothing telling everyone you are indie, and you are rad, shut the fuck up. Growing up lower middle class the last thing you want to be dressed in are things that don't remind you of your status every damn day.
 does that make sense? if you have further questions of social systems i'd be happy to tell you why the poorest people dress the nicest have the worst homes and drive escalades if you want my two cents.
thank you for this public message opportunity

Thursday, April 16, 2009


i am such a hot mess.
well, an emotional mess. I have 2 weeks left till summer pretty much. THings are amping up and i am burning out. I am tired, stressed and really sick. My body is against me.
On top of that i keep running
i keep chasing.
something i can never catch.
sometimes i get so close, so close to getting to know him more and then i don't see him for 3 weeks.
of course i want this more then. its so frustrating b/c in the mean time i sit here in the mean time thinking i am annoying and he hates me. that can't be true either b/c when we meet up, it's great. I just don't want to loose an opportunity.  this summer i want to keep my foot in that door. but how? i don't want to wait to long so that it becomes awkward. 
my eyes meet mine and i see yours smile back at me. it's good to see you again, can we hang out? take a slow drive with me and tell me about yourself.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I need a summer job.
my hours got cut to like 7 hrs a week. Not. Even. Worth. It.

I am thinking about moving out of state this summer for potential possibilities. Please let me know if you know of anything, anyone or have any ideas.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lately I am really happy
the weather is really really nice...
and today:
I worked on our project and gave our presentation at hayworth. They LOVED IT! They didn't have any comments really, but one lady said sarcastically : "can you guys work here?" It was awesome to hear! Our project really did look great compared to our class mates. I am really excited how interior design has been going for me lately. (Last year My teacher kept one of my projects for an accreditation this year...and this semester, my other teacher is keeping another one of my projects. I always felt like my stuff sucked compared to other people's. Its kinda nice to be recognized on top of today's comments, I think I can do this stuff!)

Second I went back to school and worked on my functional art project. of course I talked to Cory (and i felt myself turning bright red, it was soooo embarrassing....oh well. at least he feels he can still talk to me...haha.) And then I flirted with Dustin (the original wood worker guy i fell in love with in the basement. muhahaha) But overall, I am getting a long ways on my light and I am going to be ecstatic when I can install it somewhere around schooL! My second project will be fiberglass shelves to hang on your wall, shaped like stingrays. I am working with the concept of migration and movement on this one. (The light is soundwaves, and movements)

This weekend was phenomenal too. I got to go to Chicago and collaborate antics with Jillian. I miss laughing that hard all the time and analyzing things to death. Sun. Night I hung out with Rob and Katelyn, mikey and Jason. Sounds crappy, but it was a lot of fun. Got some drinks. drove to holland with music cranked like old times and then more drinks then home. Late night. but worthwhile.

I wish you all great vibes coming your way. Later!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


In the near and or distant future, this is where my mind has been going.

little things, big things, abstract ideas:

-Pay off my bank of america credit card and cancel it
-Keep helping Joni with her house and build report with her friends enough to add up as a second summer job
-Grow a relationship with Cory, slowly, and have it turn into something great, deep and long lasting
-loose weight in my arms, stomach, tone my behind
-find a second summer job
-get all my projects at school done and kick ass doing it, but most of all focusing.
-travel somewhere cool this summer, like nashville or vegas or something
-sell some of my artwork
-learn how to smock
-have time to breathe and relax every now and then
-clean and finish painting my room
-move out on my own for good, hopefully this fall, given the second summer job thing...
-get better grades 
-try vegetarianism or veganism
-be happier

Monday, March 2, 2009


let me pitch my weekend to you:

I had class until 3 then work at 4:30 I stopped down in the basement to flirt with cory (I mean work on my project) Sean called and was downtown so I gave him a mini tour of kcad. Fun.
After work I stopped over at lindsay's bf's appt. to hang out. pretty clean ole' fun and semi awkward. haha 

Sat. worked till 6. 
Katelyn and her old roomate from this summer called and said they were going out for drinks and invited me. this sounds more like it. So We get in Amy's car and start driving to gr. this girl is so typical i can't even explain it. totally rich preppy and typically boring. (whoops)
But She is drinking out of a nalgine bottle filled with what she tells us is like 5 inches of vodka mixed with cranberry juice. Never been in this experience before, most of my friends don't flirt with death that much. I was kind of scared cuz she was sucking it down all the way down to gr. I would never trust myself to do that and drive. Bad choices, I don't want her to drive again. we are almost there (Rockwell's (again) b.c Rob works there now) and amy hits the breaks after I am particpating in the nalgine. I get vodka cranberry up my nose and my shirt is white and now ruined.
I was ticked off at this point even tho it's probably half my fault.
So we head to the bathroom and I clean up. Thank goodness for black cardigans.
 We ended up standing on Republic's side by the bar and I didn't get a drink yet bc i am still a little erked and just want to go home. Mean while I am wearing that tan fedora all night. Apparently it gets you some great action. Some guy comes up to me and starts asking me about my hat and who I am so I feed him lines until he meets my friends and offers to buy me a drink. He's my height and not to bad looking, but def. not my type. He ended up sitting down at a table with us and talked with us for a while. He's from Chicago and does IT stuff. He gave me his business card "so the ball was in my court" he said he was 27. He moved back to his group of friends and before we were out the door i saw him flirting it up with another girl at the bar. muhahha. what a sucker. I wonder how much he spends on girl's drinks?
Then we move to Crush where we get some drinks and start dancing. That place is bump and grind central. Totally lame. So I just came to dance and I am moving around like i am drunk at we're at 80's night just to keep the creepers at bay. Many guys liked my hat and tried to grab it from me. (get yourself one... you'll be amazed) I was saucy so I got so sick of guys trying to hump me that I got to pushing guys off me and challenging them to dance offs. Quite a feisty time! I wish you guys could have been there. I was scaring them. I would do that more often if I could.
Then we went home.

Sun. meant work all day and baby/wedding shower at work for some co-workers. ugh. No time for myself which means 
This morning I am skipping class (b.c i have to work tonight again...) blogging and eating a grilled cheese sandwich for b-fast. ahhhh Mondays.....   ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

laughing out loud

so I'll start out with anger/frusterated/ confused.
Lee started talking to me on fbook chat and basically talked for an hour. Lame, but interesting at the same time. I can e-mail you the convo. but to sum it up we talked about life after school, and then said he was going to visit jillian in chicago (J, did you know that?) after I told him i was going there over sb. he continued to fish for answers and basically tried to see if I would offer for him to go with me. FAIL. really Lee? makes me laugh out loud how he justifies his decisions. 

I didn't see Cory much since monday. I don't know whats going on other than I over anaylze anything concerning this topic. I wonder if there is another girl that he told me he was "only best friends with." hmm. Been there done that. never again is there the looming "best (girl) friend".

Gabe. saw him last night and I helped him weld some moped parts. I really enjoy hanging out with him. But i just wish he wasn't such a user. I wish he wasn't such a physical person. thats really nasty in all reality. He's been incredibly distant since our last talk. He's really busy with lots of things but is probably going to take the job in Louisville. I am really excited for him b.c thats what he wants and he seems really excited about it. I think we will stay friends. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

I know I am a paranoid girl with trust issues. I don't know how to get rid of them. anyways....

on a brighter note, My dad gave me 20 bucks this morning and seems to be feeling better again.
Spring is coming and I am more than ready for it.
I am going to have to start loosing weight b.c i am going to be in Kel's wedding for sure, and Marenta got engaged....wonder what that will go down like cuz I haven't even talked to her in a month or so.

Alright I have to get going. I will be back later sorry for the randoms

Thursday, February 19, 2009

sun is shining

this might actually be turning into a shitty diary. Don't obligate yourselves to read further....

Let me gush.
Cory is so absolutely adorable. We hung out last night as a make up for not showing for P-tail's birthday. I met Cory at his house and he drove. It was a great time. He bought me and patrick a drink, and he gets really flustered sometimes.  :) I see him lots at school and convo is flowing. The more i learn about him the more I like him. The chemistry feels genuine for once. I think I can see what felt so phoney the last time around. I am very happy with things in life. My dad is slowly getting better and spring feels right around the corner. 

We had a meeting monday night. the holland and st. joe stores are closing. Really sad b.c they've been around for 30+ years. quite shocking also. Bank of America is taking their mortgage away. FUck you bank of america for skinning your own ass. I hope you get swallowed, and to prove my feelings I have stopped using your credit card.  I am ecstatic that they are keeping ubu open. By the grace of God it is I have a job. it feels like passover.

anyways Sat. cory is going with me to work on my neon light. Maybe i'll see if he'll let me buy him lunch. <3>
I am off to dance. HOpe you're all wonderful!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

dear diary

I had such a good last 2 days I need to write about it.

So yesterday I didn't have my morning class which i abhor no. 1
I went to the Neon Americana Store and the guy told me he could make my design and would love to teach me how he does it. (Maybe sounds sketchy...but he seemed normal and very kind the plot thickens later..) no. 2
no. 3 in general the weather was SO GOREGEOUS!
I went for a long walk with Cassie after class and then got some jimmy johns no. 4
Los Campesinos! played at the lit. club and were really good live. Could be the next sigur ros with more punk influences. 5

My friend patrick is turning 21 and going bar hopping on friday night. Pat. lives with peter, gabe's Gabe is invited..however, I am in class with Patrick, and Patrick has had classes with cory. They were both invited, and are both going. can you say love triangle? 6
I actually got some work done in class,7
took my computer to the tech guys to get some updates and stayed for like an hour getting hit on. (simple pleasures in life my friends) don't think that should count for a full number...

Worked on some of my light project before work, I came back to see Cory sitting in the room and we proceeded to talk. What a dreamboat. hahaha. we started talking about our projects and I told him that the "neon light guy" offered me to shadow him while he makes my light in his shop on a saturday. I made the joke that it kinda seemed shady and then threw in that my dad might have to convienetly come. Cory laughed and then threw out that He'd "be willing to go and check that out" with a grin. (*EEEEHhh!!!!* that means all systems are a go right?) I replied that I'd have to figure out when...and then!!... Cory asked me if I was going to Patrick's 21st b-day. I told him yes, and he said he was going too. but HE asked ME! Not as shy as we thought. 8!!!!

was talking to a customer at work today and she kept saying she was confused and wished someone could help her and then directly asked me if I could come over and help her get an idea of things! asked me how much I charged. I told her it wouldn't be that much, and I'd try to get some things together. Gave her my info and she said she'd call me. (THey offer services lt work for 50 an hour, but you only see like 8 percent of that. Under the table!) Lets hope its not a let down. 9

and last of all simple little things like Marenta coming to visit me at the end of the night =10

Last of all, the word on my dad's job is potentially safe! They let some shocking people go, which is for the better. But it was based on Performance reviews and my dad made the cut! what a weight to get off our chests! Praise God!  that should count for 2 things=12

what a great last 2 days. HEres to hoping for a wonderful weekend. I'm off to eat nutella!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Every Monday Like Clockwork


Monday's are a bitch. I stepped out of my house and the first step I took I fell on the ice. I notices my computers kinda smashed now too. Most of all my hip hurts. hahahaha. I love saying that.

Anyways enough complaining.
I should be researching modernism but I'd rather write on here.
I am totally bored with life. Seeing the same things everyday, doing the same routine. Having the same shit in the cupboards. What is going on with me? Maybe I am seasonally depressed. I have a hard time getting anything done. I hate working, I hate working on projects. I feel like hibernating. Spring is almost here, now I just need a push.
I was researching art for my project and I got really inspired to paint more. Also to question what will be happening after I graduate. That has been a big question. I don't think I will be content. I'd love to go back to school, but for what? Music, Architecture, Fashion, Culinary, Functional Art? probably not a masters in Interiors. I am bored by them. Any advice?....

Friday, January 30, 2009

Live from Starbucks....

not quite saturday night.
But I need to write out this dream I had last night, because it's still blowing my mind.

So Cassie, Jillian and I joined some type of organization ( I think it was like a youth  camp or youth group type thing) and the first night we set up at the campground cabin place and the leaders took us out for some type of initiation ceremony. It turned into more hazing than anything.
So we drove south on 31 from the muskegon grand haven area to a little spot next to that liqour store on m45 right off the highway. It was a 2 or 3 story tudor faux baron chalet with dust for a parking lot. It was dark and had some type of yellow and red plastic sign announcing it was a strip club. We were all like: "what the hell? for a church group?" and the adminstraors were like no, "it's cool, there's only a strip club on the second floor, the first one is a sex toy shop. But normal people come here and lots of kids go clubbing here..." so we were forced to go in and we looked through the store and we must have had drinks because the three of us went upstairs and (it morphed into the robinson house...whoa suprise..) a big black guy grabbed me and started trying to dance dirty with me and tried to make me give him a lap dance or something while Cassie and Jillian  decided to keep touring the other half of the upstairs which I think became a dirty movie cinema.
I woke up to feeling incredibly shocked and kind of offended haha. But it was pretty funny. 

Now that I think about it more, i think i fell asleep wondering How that lingere store on the NOrth side of Gr and the "cini-mini" theater came about...
soo that makes more sense now....if only i could figure out why it joined itself with church or "wholesome" event....muahahha

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A long time ago

I think i had one of these a long time highschool for some stupid class i think...?
anyways I'm back. mostly to keep in contact with some people. who knows if this will ever become anything or maybe it will turn into living diary.
Heres to you Jynx, I hope you are having a great day!